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Famous Monarchs of Great Britain

Giacomo VI di Scozia
Giacomo VI di Scozia diviene Re di Inghilterra con il nome di Giacomo I  alla morte di Elisabetta nel 1603.
Egli era nato ad Edimburgo (Scozia) ed aveva trascorso tutta la propria infanzia, adolescenza e giovinezza lontano dalla madre, la regina Maria Stuart, prigioniera di Elisabetta in Inghilterra.
James VI (19 June 1566 – 27 March 1625) was King of Scotland as James VI, and King of England and King of Ireland as James I. He was the first monarch to be called King of Great Britain. He ruled in Scotland as James VI from 24 July 1567 until his death. He ruled in England and Ireland from 24 March 1603 until his death.
His reign was important because it was the first time England and Scotland agreed to have the same monarch. He was the first monarch of England from the House of Stuart. The last English monarch had been Elizabeth I.
James was very educated and good at learning. He helped people in England to study things such as science, literature, and art. James wrote Daemonologie in 1597, The True Law of Free Monarchies in 1598, Basilikon Doron in 1599, and A Counterblaste to Tobacco in 1604.

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